On Behalf of the Diocese of Maryland and Memorial Episcopal Church, we are pleased to continue an exciting partnership between the Episcopal Service Corps of Maryland (ESC-MD) and Memorial Episcopal Church.
ESC-MD, as part of the national network of Episcopal Service Corps programs, offers year-long placements for young adults, called Gileads in Baltimore. These corps members are offered an opportunity to, in the words of Bishop Sutton, Encounter Christ and Engage the World. Every year a group of Gileads come to Baltimore and then they fan out across the city to do God’s work with their site partners, and come together to pray, laugh, live and grow in their faith and in their common life together.
When it became clear that ESC-MD’s Gileads needed a new home in 2017 Memorial immediately became a top choice. In addition to its central location, proximity to transit and a safe and vibrant neighborhood, Memorial’s half-century commitment to social justice and long tradition of forming young people makes them a natural partner.
With their vestry’s unanimous approval, beginning in August 2017, the Memorial community welcomed the 7th group of ESC-MD Gileads, six young people from around the country, into their fold for a year-long, life changing experience. History with ESC-MD tells us that not only are the Gileads changed during the year but so are all those they encounter — a congregation worshipping next door, a neighborhood, a city, a diocese.
The partnership agreement between Memorial, ESC-MD and the Diocese of Maryland for space usage includes sharing Memorial’s rectory. The church offices and the Gilead Residence will ensure the continuance of this historic building as a place of prayer and hospitality.
This newest chapter for ESC-MD and for Memorial’s mission and commitment to social justice has already seen Gileads 7.0, 8.0 and now 9.0 as Residents. We invite your prayers and petitions for this continuing partnership, for our shared continuing commitment to a better Baltimore and a better world.