Diocese of Maryland 
The Diocese of Maryland is a community of love with over 100 faith communities worshipping in the Episcopal tradition, encountering Christ and engaging the world. We are open, affirming, and welcoming of all. The ESCMD corps member will work with our Canon for Mission with a focus on the Sutton Scholars Program and other missions and ministries, as well as aid the office as we prepare for the 80th General Convention of the Episcopal Church in summer 2022.
ERICA- Episcopal Refugee and Immigrant Center Alliance 
ERICA welcomes those fleeing injustice, persecution, and unrest in other countries. With volunteers and community partners, ERICA helps refugees, asylum seekers and other vulnerable immigrants in Greater Baltimore rebuild their lives through one-on-one problem solving, emergency assistance, and educational workshops. We are a ministry of the Cathedral of the Incarnation. The ESC-MD corps member will assist the Director in every aspect of the work of supporting and resettling those who come for help.
No Boundaries Coalition
No Boundaries Coalition is commmitted to deconstructing boundaries and reconstructing communities in Baltimore City. The ESC MD corps member will be a full member of the staff as an intern – shadowing the Director, helping initiate and support programming, supporting social media presence, learning hands on work of organizing in a racially divided city.
Public Justice Center 
The Public Justice Center pursues systemic change to build a just society. We use legal advocacy tools to pursue social justice, economic and race equity, and fundamental human rights for people who are struggling to provide for their basic needs. The ESC MD corps member will focus primarily on the Education Stability Project for students facing suspension, expulsion, and other types of school pushout, as well as assisting in support of other projects as needed.