The Episcopal Service Corps program in Maryland grew from from a Diocesan wide conversation in the 2000s. What can we do together that we cannot do alone? How can the Church develop leadership among young adults? How can the Church better serve young adults? How can we invite young adults to serve the world? From Summits on the City 2009 and 2010, the conversation produced a dedicated group which applied to the Diocesan Council of the Diocese to become a ministry of the Diocese. In fall 2o10 that group became the founding board of ESC-MD when the program was accepted as a member of the Episcopal Service Corps.
The first Gileads came to Baltimore in August 2011. For two years the Gileads lived in the Rectory- Gilead House- of St. Mark’s Church, Pikesville. The hospitality was generous and amazing, but the commute into the city for work was difficult. At the urging of Bishop Sutton, The Church of St. Michael and All Angels began renovations of a parish owned property next door to partner with us. So in the summer of 2013, St. Michael House became home to the Gileads and the Station North neighborhood was home for 3 years. For a year we then partnered with Catholic Charities in the Project Serve House at the edge of the Mount Vernon Neighborhood while looking for a more permanent home. In 2015, we found that home with Memorial Church in Bolton Hill! Gileads now live in the old Rectory,the Gilead Residence, next door.
The numbers of Gileads have varied each year between 5 and 9, due to appropriate site partners and incoming corps members, as well as housing.