Our worksite partnerships provide the main component for a serivce year. Gileads work 35 hours per week with their matched partner organization. This work in some way helps address the vulnerabilities of Baltimore. All our partners have helped Gileads find that place where their happiness/ passions and the deep needs of the world meet (as Frederick Buechner has said). We are always looking for ways to partner for new initiatives with local non-profits. Please contact the Director if you want further information at escmaryland@gmail.com.
2020-2021 Service Sites:
Black Women Build https://blackwomenbuild.org/
Church of the Guardian Angel https://www.guardianangelremington.org/
Episcopal Diocese of Maryland Communications Team (particularly focused on advocacy, justice) https://episcopalmaryland.org/
No Boundaries Coalition https://noboundariescoalition.com/
Public Justice Center https://www.publicjustice.org/